Cinecittà World Roma World Aqua World


An adrenaline-pumping aquatic adventure

Aktium is one of Cinecittà World's most popular water attractions. It is a large water family coaster that offers wet thrills, adrenaline and fun. It is one of the highest and fastest water coasters in Italy, with a height of more than 20 meters and a speed of up to 70 km/h. The attraction begins in one of the great sets of ancient Rome, one of Cinecittà World's 7 themed areas.

An epic battle on the waters

The story goes that the Second Italic Legion is allied with Antony and Cleopatra in the famous battle of Aktium, which will mark the fate of Rome. Your commander offers you the chance to return home as a victor. Embark immediately for the great battle

Challenge the power of the waters and dive aboard for an unforgettable splash! Enjoy a one-of-a-kind aquatic adventure as the Roman boat launches at great speed. Get caught up in the excitement and coolness of this unforgettable experience.

Area Roma
Waiting 0-30 minutes
Altezza minima
Minimum Height 110cm
Altezza minima
Kids Accompanied
Up to 140cm
Tickets Parks + Hotel